Cross country state championships

  • Leland’s Evan and Brady Keen run together. The brothers finished 174 and 175 on Saturday. Courtesy photo
    Leland’s Evan and Brady Keen run together. The brothers finished 174 and 175 on Saturday. Courtesy photo
  • Glen Lake junior Colebrook Sutherland crosses the finish line at regionals last week before competing at States where he finished ninth overall. Enterprise photo by Brian Freiberger
    Glen Lake junior Colebrook Sutherland crosses the finish line at regionals last week before competing at States where he finished ninth overall. Enterprise photo by Brian Freiberger
  • Cross country state championships
    Cross country state championships
Local harriers traveled to the fastest track in NASCAR, Michigan International Speedway, for the MHSAA Division 4 State Championships Saturday. It was one of the better days in years for the championship in terns of weather and course conditions. For anyone who has never been to MIS for the finals weekend, it is quite the spectacle. All four divisions compete at the same site. Approximately,…

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