Camp Read-A-Lot: Rooftop camping


Suttons Bay celebrates a month of reading

  • Suttons Bay Public Schools Elementary Principal Shelagh Fehrenbach enjoyed sleeping on the roof under a sky lit with the northern lights Thursday night. She came equipped with her own camping supplies such as the tent, sleeping bag, electric blanket, and of course, a book to read. Enterprise photo by Meakalia Previch-Liu
    Suttons Bay Public Schools Elementary Principal Shelagh Fehrenbach enjoyed sleeping on the roof under a sky lit with the northern lights Thursday night. She came equipped with her own camping supplies such as the tent, sleeping bag, electric blanket, and of course, a book to read. Enterprise photo by Meakalia Previch-Liu
  • Suttons Bay elementary students helped contribute to the total number of pages read during the first part of the reading goal challenge. The reading challenge later expanded to include middle/high school students and community members to help meet the goal of 100,000 pages. Courtesy photo
    Suttons Bay elementary students helped contribute to the total number of pages read during the first part of the reading goal challenge. The reading challenge later expanded to include middle/high school students and community members to help meet the goal of 100,000 pages. Courtesy photo
Reading under the stars and rare northern lights became a stellar reality for one district principal last week Friday. Suttons Bay Public Schools celebrated the end of March reading month in a way unique to other districts in Leelanau County this year. If elementary students in the district read 100,000 pages by March 22, then elementary principal Shelagh Fehrenbach would sleep on the school…

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