5 loaves, 2 fish moments happen ‘all the time’

  • Lynne Brach of Suttons Bay enjoys helping to feed Leelanau County and Traverse City.
    Lynne Brach of Suttons Bay enjoys helping to feed Leelanau County and Traverse City.
  • Michelle White, 5Loaves2Fish co-founder, spreads the tasty, final touches on a batch of home-made rolls. Enterprise photo by Alan Campbell
    Michelle White, 5Loaves2Fish co-founder, spreads the tasty, final touches on a batch of home-made rolls. Enterprise photo by Alan Campbell
“Some times we don’t take enough food and we still have enough to serve everybody,” recalled Michelle White, a founder and volunteer with a movement that started in Leland that’s working regionally to counter food insecurity. “It’s a five loaves, two fish moment. And it happens all the time,” she said. The fledgling 5Loaves2Fish Northern Michigan organization, which works out of the lower-level…

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