
Workforce housing needed

To the editor: Sorry to hear Northport still has not seriously considered utilizing its 7th Street property as a site for work-force housing. Twenty homes, possibly more could be situated on the land which is 6% unbuildable.

Thank you

To the editor: Thank you to all who came out to the Contra Dance event at the Glen Arbor Township Hall on Saturday for a well-attended, extremely fun time! Thanks, especially, to Vicki Berglund, for her mad organizational skills, and to Woodland Celtic and Pat, for the great live music, calling, and instruction. Let’s do this again! Terri Myers Glen Arbor.

Stand Up

To the editor: A 16-year old North Carolina student was recently suspended for asking whether the term “alien” in a school assignment related to “illegal aliens without green cards.” Administrators considered that racist. Since when did posing ANY question in school (or in our country!) become grounds for punishment? Are we all to be penalized now for asking certain questions? George Orwell’s book, “1984,” warned of the concept that “freedom is slavery.” Mao, the Soviet Union, and Pol Pot perfected that idea, and examples in America are increasingly common.

Support for Sheriff

To the editor: The Michigan Police Association was invited by a presidential candidate to discuss crime. The Biden Administration has not done that.

Watch the video

To the editor: Sheriff Borkovich says the only reason he traveled to Grand Rapids was to discuss border issues with Donald Trump. No, watch the video.

Month of the Young Child

To the editor: In April, we celebrate the Month of the Young Child. Along with the other 11 months, parents, grandparents and other caregivers are on 24/7 providing care for their little ones.

Proposal A a ‘failure’

To the editor: Yes, our property tax values are rising. I question why so many are quick to blame the current administration for this ...“stubbornly high inflation.” Some could just as easily blame the administration of Governor John Engler and his political party because Proposition ‘A’ was their big idea in the first place.

‘Close the loop’

To the editor: Each morning on Leelanau Peninsula I rejoice having the opportunity to steward God’s Creation and reflect on Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to take care of it.” In February, the Center for Climate Integrity published “Fraud of Plastic Recycling,” an informative, comprehensive, credible and useful report on a topic that needs to be clarified, and states: “Big Oil and the plastics industry — which includes petrochemical companies, their trade associations, and the front groups that represent their interests—should be held accountable for their campaign of deception much like the producers of tobacco, opioids, and toxic chemicals that engaged in similar schemes. This report lays the foundation for such a claim.” Our food system uses plastic packaging extensively and the report outlines the issue, yet it’s for us to take necessary actions engaging with our grocers (Meijer, Tom’s Food, Hansen Foods, etc.) to advocate for closing the loop on plastic packaging in our food system and accept washed plastic food bags and containers.

Immigration policy

To the editor: A letter to the editor in the April fourth edition of the Enterprise repeats a pernicious falsehood about US immigration policy. The letter writer claimed that “Border Patrol recently admitted it has flown 320,000 illegal aliens from foreign airports into our country,” and accused Biden of dishonesty for allegedly concealing this supposedly secret information.

‘Secure border’

To the editor: Sheriff Borkovich’s visit to Grand Rapids certainly elicited a large negative response. Perhaps if Biden’s minions were more concerned with the open southern border policies of the current administration, such a trip would not have been necessary.